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Annual Spring Training Seminar
To be held at the Lower Wisconsin River Wildlife Area

Email for more information


Training Days at either the Mazomanie dog training grounds TBD. Please fill out this information and email it to Vickie, Gretchen, Dawn or Kaye. We will be happy to help you get your dog out working in the field.

Gretchen DeGroot - dgrootg7@gmail.com
 Kaye Wyn - whirlwynkennels@yahoo.com
Vickie Dahlk - vdahlk@charter.net
Dawn Schuster - RDCGSchuster@aol.com  


    Address___________________________________ Phone ____________________


    Dog's Name___________________  Breed _______________________

    Level you are working at ______________________________________

    Goals you would like to accomplish _____________________________

Hope you will be joining us for a some field work with our dogs!!! 

AKC Hunt Test

CSHE holds its AKC hunt test the 3rd or 4th Saturday and Sunday in July each year. The hunt test is held at the Lower Wisconsin Riverway dog training grounds just outside of Mazomanie, WI. 
All members are encouraged to come out and help during this event. Please let us know if you can help during the weekend.

Please email vdahlk@charter.net@charter.net for more information, or go to the AKC Events page at:
http://www.akc.org/events to find out more information for the hunt test.

Annual Spaniel Field Trial

CSHE also holds an Annual Field Trial each Fall. The AKC Field Trial is held at Oasis Game Farm, New Glarus, WI.

Please go to www.fieldcockers.com for more information
